Sexual health education directory

This resource highlights training and qualification requirements for registered nurses, midwives, health advisers and nursing associates as well as unregistered health care support staff working in sexual health.
Available to everyone
Who is this resource for?
This resource has been created to sit alongside the RCN publication 'Sexual and reproductive health: education, training and career progression in nursing and midwifery', which offers detail on the routes available to train in sexual and reproductive health, and signposts nurses and midwives to valuable information.
What will this resource give me?
- outline of the education and qualifications needed for nursing and midwifery staff working in sexual health and HIV care
- education programmes for providing Sexual Health Services (SH) and Genitourinary Medicine (GUM) and HIV
- education requirements for providing Sexual and Reproductive Health services in Primary care
- education programmes for Midwives and Nurses in working in abortion care
- education programmes for Sexual Health Advisors (SHA) who are also registered nurses
- education requirements for Nursing Associates (England only)
- education requirements for Health Care support Workers Health Care Assistants Unregistered staff working in Sexual and Reproductive Health Care
- cervical cytology – education training and skills requirement for all areas of practice.
Resource last reviewed
29 Sept 2022
Resource lead
The RCN delivers quality-assured and up-to-date resources for the nursing workforce. Reviewed annually in line with the RCN Quality Assurance policy, all RCN Learn resources meet the RCN’s Nine Quality Standards.