Sexual health: education and training

Increase your understanding of the qualifications, knowledge, competence and skills needed by nurses, midwives and health care professionals who work in sexual and reproductive health, contraception and HIV settings.
Available to RCN members
Who is this resource for?
This resource is aimed at nurses and nursing support workers across all settings and levels of practice, including students of health, social work and care professions.
What will this resource give me?
- overview of the services which sexual health covers
- courses nurses should have undertaken when providing contraception
- details of courses and education pathways into sexual and reproductive health
- access to an RCN directory of education, training and qualification requirements for registered nurses, midwives, health advisers and nursing associates, including unregistered health care support staff working in sexual health
- professional associations you can join when working in sexual and reproductive health, HIV, contraception and termination of pregnancy
- examples of courses available at higher education institutions.
Resource last reviewed
15 Sept 2022
Resource lead
The RCN delivers quality-assured and up-to-date resources for the nursing workforce. Reviewed annually in line with the RCN Quality Assurance policy, all RCN Learn resources meet the RCN’s Nine Quality Standards.