Fitness to Practise

This is an evidence-based programme aimed at encouraging attendees to understand the concept of whistleblowing and freedom to speak up, how to conduct/facilitate difficult conversations and to consider processes when addressing conduct and capability issues.
Available to everyone
Who is this programme for?
This resource is aimed at nurses and nursing support workers across all settings and levels of practice, including students of health, social work and care professions.
What will this programme give me?
Gain an understanding and explore:
- the concept of whistleblowing and freedom to speak up
- how to conduct/facilitate difficult conversations
- processes when addressing conduct and capability issues
- the responsibility of the organisation to provide a fair, open and transparent investigatory/disciplinary process
- ways in which to develop skills to undertake investigation/disciplinary meetings
- how the learning outcomes can contribute to a decrease in inappropriate referrals to the Nursing Midwifery Council (NMC).
Resource last reviewed
15 Jan 2024
Resource lead
The RCN delivers quality-assured and up-to-date resources for the nursing workforce. Reviewed annually in line with the RCN Quality Assurance policy, all RCN Learn resources meet the RCN’s Nine Quality Standards.