Safeguarding adults at risk of abuse

The aims of this module are to explain the principles of safeguarding adults who do not have the ability or mental capacity to protect themselves from harm or abuse, and to describe the procedures healthcare staff need to adhere to if or when a safeguarding concern comes to light.Don't forget that you do not have to complete our two-hour learning modules all in one go. Tailor your learning to fit into your busy schedule by undertaking one or two sections at a time. You can stop and save your learning at any point and pick up where you left off when you return. Learning aims and intended outcomes Define abuse and understand the principles of safeguarding adults at risk of abuse Identify the various types of abuse and the indicators for each type Understand the role of healthcare practitioners and other care staff when a safeguarding concern arises Respond appropriately if a safeguarding concern is disclosedDisclaimer Please note that information provided by RCNi Learning is not sufficient to ensure competence in the skill. Assessment of competence should take place in line with local practice. Practice should always align with local protocols and procedures, latest guidelines and any regulatory code. All modules should currently be viewed together with available national and local Covid-19 guidelines. For advice, go to
Resource last reviewed
19 Apr 2023